Essay about Your Family

Essay about Your Family

Below you can read a free sample essay on family relations. You can read it in order to understand how to describe your family in an essay.

All members of my family are very similar. They are all joyful and happy, as well as successful. At the same time, they also understand the importance of gratitude and humbleness.

My parents were born in underprivileged families in Virginia. My grandparents worked as sharecroppers and received a very small amount of money, which only allowed them to survive. However, they always dreamt of having a better life and moved toward their dream. Even though they did not go to college, they were intelligent people with great decision-making skills and remarkable foresight

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In the 1940s, my grandparents opened a small café. After some time, it turned into a restaurant chain. In ten years they sold it and became millionaires. Then they invested most of the money they had received into corporate finance, real estate, and other fields, and increased their wealth.

My mother became heir to their estate and, having a financial security, could also follow her dream. She wanted to become a Hollywood screenwriter. When I turned 15, my mother and I moved to Los Angeles, California, so she could start moving toward her dream. She started with sending her scripts to a number of TV shows. Soon she was offered to write for a children’s show and a soap opera. In three years, my mother finished her first script that was based on her own life in many ways. In another year, it was sold to Universal Studios.

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My mother and I always had the wealth from my grandparents, but for my mother it was not enough. She wanted to become successful herself and have her own destiny. I am happy to say that she succeeded.

Now when I am at college studying Creative Writing, I am willing to follow my mother’s footsteps. I also want to write scripts that will be made into TV shows and movies. I am eager to write, and I do it most of the time. My mother has always been my role model. She works hard, and she is successful and happy. She created her life by herself. Of course, she has been wealthy even before becoming a screenwriter, but she never ceased to work on attaining her dream.

In my mind, my family cannot be called a typical American family consisting of ordinary people. I understand that due to the wealth inherited from my grandparents, we had more life prospects than most other families, but this fact does not make me better than others. I did have more benefits and I feel deep gratitude for it. Everything I own today is due to the hard work of my parents and grandparents. And I am willing to work hard too, to apply all the lessons I have learned from them and accomplish my own success. Testimonials

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