Expository essay

The expository essay’s purpose is to reveal and discuss a topic based on the perspectives of other people. The varying views of people on the chosen topic should be explained as clearly and vividly as possible. The writer can opt to make the essay likened to a report. However the writer chooses to present the varying views, the main point of the expository essay is to give a full narrative and explanation of a topic based on varying perspectives. The reader should be able to understand the topic on various angles provided by the writer’s essay. The reader can expect a mix of both facts and even opinions. The writer does not necessarily have to critique the views presented but rather he or she should analyze them.

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How to write the expository essay

An expository essay should include a number of things:

  • The essay should clearly mention the sources where the statements used in the essay were from. The statements should be explained and developed according to the original statements. The writer should be careful about deforming the meanings of the statements that were used. The original statements need not be directly quoted; they can also be reworded according to their main point as long as their intended meaning stays the same.
  • The topic chosen should be a particular event or situation and the writer should present the various sources and their perspectives. The expository essay should always remain objective and should remain within the context of the topic being discussed.
  • The writer should avoid making surprise conclusions. The expository essay is supposed to make clear statements and explanations that lead the readers throughout the contents of the essay. The analysis of the various perspectives should always connect to the conclusions made by the author. Thus, the whole essay should develop towards the conclusions made by the author. The author should avoid making the readers confused as to the meaning of the statements and the conclusions.

The effective structure of an expository essay

  • The topic chosen should be specific and narrowed down
  • The essay should have a well stated and clear thesis statement
  • The topic chosen should develop based on the various perspectives
  • The conclusions made should be based on the presented statements and opinions
  • The thesis statement should have supporting details in the form of paragraphs. Each paragraph should have a clearly stated topic sentence which the rest of the paragraph should develop from
  • The conclusion should make a logical generalization or analysis of the body of the essay
  • The conclusion should emphasize the thesis statement

The expository essay can be on any topic of the writer’s choice. It should be noted, however, that the topic must be specific and it should have various sources of other people’s views for the writer to come up with a comprehensive essay. For assistance in expository essays, do not hesitate to contact us. We will reply as soon as possible!

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