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Many students dream of getting high grades, but not all young people have enough time to prepare for the tests. Making cheat sheets can be the perfect option for you.
If you decided to make a cheat sheet, it is better to write it by hand. Special studies show that only 10% of the information is memorized during the reading process, but when writing, this figure increases significantly. Therefore, writing your hint by hand (without printing it out), your chances to pass the exam or test will be higher, even if it is not used.
Never make cheat sheets with whole answers to a question. Write only the basic information (theses, formulas, dates, keywords). It will help you to build your answer. Moreover, it is much easier to hide and use a small piece of paper.
Always make the numbering of your hints convenient and understandable, hide them structured, to be able to find the exact material you need from the whole array in a matter of seconds.
Remember that the teacher will almost certainly know that you are cheating, but may not show it and will make an assessment based on your progress throughout the semester.
Be creative. The original cheat sheet, hidden creatively, even if will be found, can take a worthy place in the personal archive of the teacher or lecturer, and you may be lucky enough to finish the exam and pass it.
For confident cheating, it is necessary to possess the acting skills (at least the basics ones), while at the same time behaving as unconditionally as possible. It will help you avoid suspicion on the part of the teacher. Always remember, the best cheat sheet is its absence. Knowledge of the materials gives much more self-confidence than the most cunning and informative hints.
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Today, in almost any print office, you can print an A4 page on a transparent film. The advantage of such a cheat sheet is that it is practically invisible on a varnished wooden table. However, you can easily read the text on the painted, dark surface. The disadvantage of this method is the relatively high cost of such a printout.
You can also make small invisible notes. Use special pen to do this. Written text disappears after a while, and your teacher will see only the usual blank sheet. As a rule, there is a flashlight at the other end of the special pen. When you hover a beam of light on a piece of paper, you can read the text. The disadvantage of this cheat is that you have to spend money on buying a pen.
You, probably, saw pens with photos and information about sights on counters with souvenirs in tourist cities. They are usually made in the form of a folded piece of paper, which can be rolled on and people may read the facts about beautiful places. You can write useful information using such a tool.
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