How to Find a Good Title for Your Text

How to Find a Good Title for Your Text

Having chosen a problem question and a topic for a scientific article or essay, you should give it a name. Most researchers do not pay scrupulous attention to the wording of the title. Meanwhile, the name is the hook that allows you to catch the reader. Follow a few simple rules to find a good heading for your paper.

Choose the Correct Style of Speech

In discussions on the title of scientific articles, one can find the opinion that the degree of accuracy and clarity of the title depends on the scientific field. For example, in technical, natural, and economic sciences, the problem or the result of scientific research should be stated specifically and clearly, and the name of the paper should be simple and brief. As for the social sciences, such as philosophy and sociology, a scientific article can be multifaceted, give rise to double and triple meanings, and these phenomena can be reflected in its title, which will be less specific. In general, these differences are not so great that we can talk about some significant features of the names that are applicable in a particular branch of scientific knowledge. In any case, you should not choose sensational and intriguing names, use abbreviations, highly specialized and slang terms, as well as formulae. The question mark is not always appropriate in the heading.

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Formulate the Title Properly

How to come up with a title for your article? Of course, it is much easier to invent a name for an already written text. In this case, you are immersed in the topic; your brain has processed all the information and will give you the most appropriate name. On the contrary, writing an article without having any name means moving away from the main problem with a much greater probability. Therefore, before starting your writing process, it is necessary to come up with a working title and approximate plan for the paper, and after the essay is ready, formulate a clear and precise heading.

To find a good name for your article, write down all the keywords and concepts, determine their interrelation, and build a sentence. Find words that reflect the meaning of your work accurately and unambiguously. If the title is long (more than 5-6 words), then it is better to put the key phrase at the very beginning. Remember that the correct choice of the title depends on whether your article will be read and quoted. Of course, a successful title will not save a bad paper, but an inappropriate heading may harm a good one.

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