Improve Your Planning Skills to Perform Better in College

Improve Your Planning Skills to Perform Better in College

If you fail to balance your studies, personal life and perhaps your job, college time can turn into a huge struggle. You need to know how to manage your time in order to become a confident individual and a successful learner. Besides, if you boost your planning skills and learn to prioritize, it will be easier for you to remain focused on your tasks. Read on to learn the simple recommendations, which you can use to become a more efficient planner.

Define Critical Tasks

The first major step for you is to define what tasks are the most important and make sure that you complete them first. Every day, you should see what these tasks are. Whether it is doing a research for your term paper, writing an essay for one of the classes or having a scheduled appointment with your teacher, make sure that you figure out in advance what you have to do. At first, it may seem to be challenging to do this every day, but in the long run, it will help you a lot.

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Use Logic to Arrange Tasks

Always use the logical order to arrange the things you have to do. Make a list of all your tasks and write the estimated time for their completion. Don’t forget about the deadlines. It’s a much better idea to start with a series of small tasks rather than immediately proceed to the biggest one. It will keep you motivated and allow you to accomplish more during the day.


You have to know the difference between urgent, important and unimportant tasks. Let me give you an example of each. An urgent task is an essay that has a one-day deadline. An important task is to begin your research for your term paper. An unimportant task is watching a movie (unless you have a task to complete a movie review). To attain academic success, you need to prioritize your tasks and complete them one by one.

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Write “To-Do” Lists

It will help you set the priorities for the day and keep track of all completed and uncompleted tasks. Besides, it will also boost your productivity. Use anything that works for you to create to-do lists. It can be a special mobile application, a simple piece of paper, or anything else you like. The only requirement is to make this list simple and put it in the place where you may see it very often so that it can remind you of your tasks.

Work Step-By-Step

If you work step-by-step, your productivity increases dramatically. It also helps you be more organized and gives you the feeling of progress upon completing all interim goals. Besides, it’s easy: just cross out the task that you’ve done and proceed to the next one.

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Planning is truly the secret of high productivity and success not only in the academic career, but also in social and work life. So be sure to become a good planner and attain all your goals!

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