Quote Format Block Quotations

  Creating Block Quotations in Written Documents  Chicago Format MLA Format APA Format AMA Format   Other topics to look at:  

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  • Block Quotation
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Lengthy quotations used in papers and essays if that are more than four lines of typed text are required in all major writing formats, including MLA, APA, AMA, and Chicago to be placed in block quotations. Block quotations are actually independent passages that are further indented along the left margin.” The general rule when it comes to block quotations is that the very last sentence that precedes the block quotations should end with a colon. Then, there should be a space between the block quotation and the sentence preceding it, as well as a space between the end of the block quotation and the following paragraph.   Here are more specific rules to follow:

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  • Chicago Format – If the quote is made up of one-hundred words or more (which makes up around eight lines of typed text) it should be set into block quotations. This includes quotes that are made up of two or more sentences.


  • MLA Format – If the quote is more than four lines, it needs to be formatted into a block quotation.
  • APA Format – If the quote is longer than forty words, it should be made into a block quotation.


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