Research Paper Rubric

A research paper rubric bears similarities to document headings in some respects. In essence, research paper rubrics are particular guidelines or directions towards writing an academic text. While the standards of academic writing are expected to be high, similar standards are applicable across academic life generally.

So, we offer the following research paper rubrics as a guideline to help you write documents with greater ease and efficiency. It is noteworthy that instructors often use similar research paper rubrics for grading purposes, so time is well spent in carefully checking your assignment against the rubric to ensure all its requirements are accounted for.

Frequently, a course instructor issues the research paper rubric simultaneously with assigning the actual research requirement. Assignment of a research project is usually accompanied by a guideline on grading allocation, a general outline of the scoring system along with any other requirements for the project. The instructor may offer advice or indicators for a strong vs week thesis, methodology, organization, clarity of presentation and how to write an effective concluding paragraph. This equips the students with focus to approach the work.
The content of a research paper rubric
For this research paper rubric we bring attention to the quality of information needed for an effective research paper. So, consider:
• Provide a coherent, specific and supportable thesis;
• Develop your thesis with sufficient and adequately supported subject matter;
• Offer credible evidence to support any assertion.
Structure and layout of a research paper rubric:

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Our research paper rubric looks at your paper’s structure:
• Write an introduction consisting of general background and your thesis statement;
• Body paragraphs should comprise of material directly relevant and linked to the thesis, have its own topic sections, organized logically. Use transitional phrases;
• Close your work with a conclusion that reiterate the thesis, summarize the overall paper and offer a considered opinion on the subject;
• Add any other style requirements e.g. cover and reference pages, etc.
Style and language usage in a research paper rubric:
Let us look at the following in this research paper rubric:
• Construct clear, well-structured sentences using variation in words;
• Use precise and fluent language;
• Apply a personal but authoritative voice – be clear and specific.
Apply accuracy of language in your research paper rubric:
Take care with punctuation, spelling and grammar to create an error-free work. Testimonials

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