Social Media: Argumentative Essay Tips

Social Media: Argumentative Essay Tips

Social media is one of the most popular and widespread things nowadays. It has different connotations among people. Some think that it makes our world better, others argue about its negative impacts. Both are true. Thanks to social media, we can easily keep in touch and know the information from another part of the world. However, because of the media discussion, we have a lot of rivalry and hostility which are caused by various rating systems. Thus, it seems that argumentative essay is the best way to express your position concerning social media. Here you may find out the most crucial things and tips for making your piece professional.


There is a wide range of social media you may use as a source for your research paper. People use different social media depending on sex, age, profession, place of born, living, and studying. For instance, most of us use traditional Facebook every day. However, some part of society uses LinkedIn to deal with their business partners. Besides, Twitter becomes popular thanks to its opportunity to make many quick posts and writing blogs. Instagram is well-known as a visual platform with various photo instruments. The last, but not the least - Snapchat is popular among youth and teenagers.

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The most vital thing is to formulate your thesis correctly. You should determine the main problem you want to overview and analyze. It must be relevant and attractive. For instance, it may be some thoughts about social media pros and cons, impacts and effects, etc. Of course, it would be better to choose one social media to make your examples clear. However, it is also possible to compare two or more social media. Thus, your chosen topic defines your vector of your researching and writing.

Gathering Information

The next step – is looking for relevant data on your theme. It is essential to determine the "boundaries" of your research and a few primary aspects. It will allow you not to lose in a massive of information and rethink all materials profoundly making a good summary at the end. Also, to gather necessary evidence and facts you should identify your research problem firstly. It is possible to use the stereotypes that exist on your topic. So you can either confirm or refute your thesis. It will immediately give your subject social relevance and attract the reader.

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When we are talking about an argumentative essay, it means that argumentations play an essential role in this type of papers. It does not matter which aspect of your theme you will discuss: negative or positive. Your task is to find out all possible arguments to prove your statement. Thus, you are a lawyer who should defend its client in the court in spite he is guilty or innocent. Of course, all argumentative should be realistic. The success depends on your interpretation, analyzing skills, and methods of your proof.


The last part of your argumentative essay is a conclusion. You should sum up and explain your results to make your paper finished.


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