The Most Necessary Apps for College Students

The Most Necessary Apps for College Students

I would like to share a few apps that each college student should have on his/her gadget. All of them can be used with Apple or Android platform. However, make sure that these Apps are available for your phone by checking the market.

It’s a well-known fact that all of us use phones very often and almost can’t live without them. The purposes of looking at our screen all the time might be quite different. They are killing time, increasing productivity, messaging to a friend and so on. Nevertheless, it isn’t so bad as you may think. Being a college student, I have downloaded a great number of interesting and cool apps that make my life easier because thanks to these apps, I develop as a personality. Undoubtedly, I’m an app addict!

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I would be very happy to know in comments what you do in order to simplify your everyday life! What do you think about which apps are the most frequently used by college students?

5 Useful Apps for every Student

  • Transit App is an app that is really convenient for those who live in huge cities and should use public transport on a daily basis. This is one of my favorite applications because I use it quite often when I need to track public transportation in Chicago. Although I’ve already tried out a lot of other similar apps, this one is the best and you can even download it for free going to the App Store. Actually, it gives you an opportunity to see the departure times of trains.
  • Do you have the Uber App on your cellphone? If not, it’s high time to install it now. I suppose, this app can help you to get out from the situations when the use of the public transport is not the most comfortable thing. Uber is believed to be very expensive. However, it’s not true. Frankly speaking, you can “pool” with your friends, for example, and pay only a little money.
  • Venmo is one more app essential for a college student who would like to make his/her life easier. By using Venmo, you can take an advantage of the opportunity to send or receive money having a link to your bank account. As I know, many students use this app and pay their bills with Venmo.
  • Have you already read that part of my blog where I talked about Career Girl Daily? Actually, this is a gripping app with many advantages. Due to the application, every day I read cognitive and informative articles that motivate me regarding my career. It seems that you can read them during the whole day and it won’t be boring. To tell you the truth, I take pleasure in reading such articles and they even help me in killing time when I am on the train. Hurry up and download Career Girl Daily as quickly as possible.
  • Ibotta is an app that might be called a gem. Apart from being easy in use, it helps you to be thrifty. What you are supposed to do is simply scan a barcode or a receipt using your phone camera, and in an instant, you are able to earn cash back! Testimonials

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