Top 5 Tips to Study Effectively For Your Exams

Top 5 Tips to Study Effectively For Your Exams

No matter how prepared you are, most likely finals will take you by storm. Because there are too many things that need to be considered and most of the time it all gets so overwhelming. I have been through this so many times that, for this reason, I want to share my experience with you in order to reduce your stress level during the preparation for the exams. These tips have already helped me and I sincerely hope that they will also come in handy for you!

Know Your Learning Style

Usually when we start studying at the college, we’re full of stereotypes. We think that we should write down all that professor says, that we should study in the quiet room, and that all of us should use flashcards. The truth is that every individual is different and you can’t teach a dog to fly. Let me show you an example from my life – during the first semester I was writing down everything that professors were saying. People told me I should do this and it took me a while to understand that it had little sense, if any at all. My problem was that while I was writing the lecture down, in my mind I was shopping for jewelry. I needed some time to understand that I should write down only the most essential parts of the lecture and that I study much better by myself. Explore yourself and apply only those learning styles that fit your personality best.

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Select Your Study Area

Can you imagine that there are people who can’t study if there’s no background noise? I’m definitely not one of them. That’s why I always study at places specially designated for studies, where people need to behave themselves quietly allowing others to study. Maybe you’re the person who needs to study in the park? Choose your study area wisely, it makes a huge difference.

Understand the Subject that You’re Studying

There are theoretically-based subjects, subjects based solely on calculations and numbers, and there are also mixed subjects. Knowing what kind of subject you’re dealing with eases the whole study process, because if it’s theoretical than all you need are your lectures and books, and if it’s all about calculations then you should look up for tutorials and examples.

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Use Sample Papers!

Use papers from last year or sample papers, because they include a lot of insight in regards to what to expect from this year’s finals.

Give Yourself Time

Time is the most valuable asset that you have to prepare for the exams. If you plan in advance and consider everything in your plan, then chances of having no time are really low. Look how many exams you need to pass, how difficult they are, how much time you need for preparation and adjust accordingly. Better start studying no later than one month before the finals.

These are my top five tips for studying effectively. Share yours in the comment section! Testimonials

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