Top Amazing Buildings in the World

Top Amazing Buildings in the World

It is hard not to get impressed by the majesty of the remarkable and beautiful buildings, which are countless in our planet. Due to the great number of interesting buildings in the world, we have a chance to discover amazing architecture and become a part of great history. Some buildings are new, though, they are very glamorous.
Here is the list of the most interesting buildings in the world that can’t be overlooked.

1. Shenzhen International Airport Terminal

The following airport terminal, situated in China, is considered one of those architectural marvels that combine both style and practicality. Its Terminal 3, created by Italian architects Massimiliano and Doriana Fuksas, is especially impressive due to its highly creative design.

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2. The La Trobe Institute for Molecular Science

The La Trobe Institute for Molecular Science, located in Australia, is an absolutely eye-catching building. Its hexagonal shape will definitely make you stop and explore its unique architecture.

3. Statoil’s Norway HQ

Statoil’s Norway HQ is built not far from Oslo in Norway that makes it a perfect point for business meetings. Its well-structured and dynamic design has already become a very attractive place for international traders.

4. De Rotterdam

Come to the Netherlands to witness its largest building, De Rotterdam. The complex has space for commercial offices, apartments, hotels and restaurants for the visitors. It also holds an indoor swimming pool where people relish water games during summertime.

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5. Heydar Aliyev Center

It is a huge building complex in Azerbaijan designed by Zah Hadid. This creative building is truly extraordinary due to its absence of sharp angles. The pivotal role of the building is to redevelop the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku. The Center comprises an art gallery, a museum, and a conference hall.

6. The Roof Gardens Kensington

The Roof Gardens Kensington is a name of the luxurious restaurant in London, the UK. This place is famous for its exclusive design of construction. Despite the high prices, the food served here will certainly captivate you and satisfy your expectations.

7. Aquarium Blue Planet

Aquarium Blue Planet, the biggest aquarium in the world, is located near Copenhagen Airport. This spot is not only popular due to its size, but also due to its stunning environment. It is absolutely worth experiencing its overall atmosphere full of impressive beauty.
All the above-mentioned wonderful buildings are worth your attention. Save money and plan your trips. You will be definitely delighted to discover them yourself.

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